Digital Pistil

I thought that “Digital Pistil” overall was a good read and very interesting. I thought it was interesting because while we always think of things in the future as being technologically advanced, we never think of how things from nature can be and if they will be advanced. in “Digital Pistil”, the plants were like humans. They still acted like plants in terms of how they stayed alive and reproduced, but they thought like humans. Both Bub and Flora at one point longed for each other and wanted each other. They wanted to be together so badly that they crawled across the room and hall even with the cat watching them. This piece was interesting because it showed not only how plants or things in nature could be in the future, but also that there will still be important human qualities like love. This story made me think of Bjork’s song All is Full of Love as I believe that both are pointing that out in different ways.

About jeremydrenaud

Georgia Tech Freshman Born in Saudi Arabia, grew up in Atlanta, went to High School in Switzerland
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